Discover The Truly Unique Pac Ngoi Village

Vietnam | Destination

Discover The Truly Unique Pac Ngoi Village

Step into the serene embrace of Pac Ngoi Village, where the verdant landscapes and the warm embrace of the Tay ethnic community welcome you to a world untouched by time...
18 February, 2024 Sunny Nguyen Duong

Pac Ngoi village nestled amid lush forests and serene lakes, this hidden gem in Bac Kan province, Vietnam, is a testament to natural beauty and cultural richness.

1. Overall of Pac Ngoi village

The beauty of Pac Ngoi village

The beauty of Pac Ngoi village

In the serene confines of Nam Mau commune, Ba Be district, lies Pác Ngòi Village—a picturesque haven inhabited by the Tày people. Here, stilted houses stand shoulder to shoulder amidst lush fields, nestled between towering mountains and the serene Ba Be Lake. These dwellings, snug against the mountains and overlooking the tranquil waters, paint a mesmerizing picture amidst nature's breathtaking canvas.

Beyond the stunning visuals, a trip here offers more than meets the eye. It's a gateway to experience the cool embrace of Northeast Vietnam's fresh, crisp air. But wait, there's more! Pác Ngòi serves as a living repository of the Tày culture, a vibrant showcase enticing visitors from across the globe.

Now, about Bắc Kạn—this northern province is a year-round delight, boasting a consistently pleasant climate. Picture yourself strolling through from May to July, soaking in the serene aura of the Northeast's woodlands, taking in the natural spectacle.

But if you really want to catch Pác Ngòi in its full glory, aim for spring, summer, or early autumn. These seasons unlock the village's true charm, revealing the raw beauty of forests and Ba Be Lake against a backdrop of blissful natural tranquility. Getting here? Not rocket science. Just a breezy 150 km from Hanoi, whether you opt for a motorcycle or hop on a bus. As for Pác Ngòi's exact location, it's about 70 km northwest of Bắc Kạn's city center or 220 km northeast of Hanoi. The trick? Plan your route meticulously, especially if you're cruising on a bike.

2. What to do in Pac Ngoi Village

Ten years into the tourist scene, and this village has managed to preserve the genuine flair of the Tày ethnic traditions. Stilt houses, daily routines, even the way they dress—all authentically Tày. It's the pull of this authenticity that lures wanderers to Pác Ngòi, inviting them to dive into the locals' unassuming yet deeply profound way of life. The following are what we suggest you do in this truly one of a kind village.

A. Discover the authentic culture of the ethnic Tày.

Tay ethnic folkloric performance

Tay ethnic folkloric performance

Pác Ngòi, a living canvas celebrating the soulful beauty of the Tày community. It's not just a visit; it's an invitation to step into their world. Here, you'll find yourself swaying to ancient melodies, becoming a part of their timeless rituals like harvest feasts and milestone celebrations. Witness their craftsmanship—watch them weave, distill, and savor the unique flavors crafted by local hands. But the real magic? It's those nights by the campfire, where cultural boundaries fade, and you're beckoned to join in and become one with their vibrant heritage.

The vibrant tapestry of Tày culture weaves a story of simplicity and profound significance. Their attire, drenched in vivid hues and crafted from handwoven cotton, showcases a minimalistic elegance, reflecting the deep-rooted essence of the Tày people. Adornments of silver and bronze, from earrings to bracelets, resonate with a quiet pride in their heritage. But it's in their melodies, the enchanting rhythms of "then" and "sli" songs, where their soul truly finds expression. The "dan tinh" isn't just an instrument; it's the heartbeat of Tày cultural traditions, resonating across generations. Homes, raised on stilts or sheltered by thatched roofs, hold the wisdom of separation, distinguishing spaces for men and women within.

The Tày's belief in ancestral spirits is palpable in their reverence for family altars, where every event, every step is marked by homage to their lineage. And within their kitchens, a cornucopia of flavors—a marriage of forest bounty and mountain harvests—gives birth to iconic dishes like sour bamboo stir-fry and marinated pond fish. Tày culture, a symphony of simplicity and depth, is a treasure trove waiting to be discovered by those seeking the beauty of tradition and the soulful notes of a resilient community.

B. Take in the paysage

The scenery around Pac Ngoi village

The scenery around Pac Ngoi village

In the heart of Pác Ngòi village lies a truly magical setting, a canvas painted with lush green rice fields extending towards the scent-filled forests, while towering stone mountains stand guard behind. Here, nature unfolds its entire spectrum—from the grandeur of mountains to the expanses of tranquil lakes and the intoxicating fragrance of rice fields. It's a picturesque masterpiece, where houses nestled together on stilts create a scene straight out of a fairy tale, where the locals and nature seamlessly coexist. This place isn't just about the warm embrace of its people; it's about the breathtaking Northeastern sky and the harmony it shares with this quaint village.

C. Try out the local’s specialties

A splendid banquet of Tay ethnic specialties

A splendid banquet of Tay ethnic specialties

Pác Ngòi Village beckons visitors with its unassuming yet tantalizing local fare that embodies the heart of the Tay ethnic culture. It might not flaunt lavishness, but rest assured, it's an exploration of flavors that's hard to replicate. Here, you'll savor the essence of the mountainous landscape in every dish. Dive into specialties like grilled Ba Be Lake fish or steamed chicken infused with lime leaves—culinary delights that, when paired with the locals' homemade sticky rice, create an exquisite symphony of tastes. There's an artistry in their culinary tradition, evident in dishes like slow-cooked buffalo meat, northern-style sausages, pickled shrimp, and preserved plums—a perfect souvenir to share with loved ones. The Tay people's lives are intertwined with nature, reflecting in their diverse and abundant cuisine harvested from the surrounding forests, rivers, and hillsides.

Each day, the Tay indulge in two main meals—lunch and dinner—sometimes opting for breakfast or an afternoon snack. Meals aren't served in formal settings; rather, food is prepared to share, ensuring there's plenty for unexpected guests. From elders to youngsters, everyone joins in the communal dining experience, prioritizing joy over formalities. The staple grain is plain rice, predominantly grown in the fields, although during lean months, they might enjoy corn or cassava. Amidst the regular meals, festive occasions bring out the best in their culinary practices. During the rice ripening season, families gather to taste young rice, a tradition that's fading but once symbolized unity within the village.

From their humble rice, the Tay craft ceremonial dishes, thick cakes, and sticky rice parcels for ancestral worship, communal ceremonies, and special occasions like Tet holidays. Beyond grains, they ingeniously prepare dishes with meat, fish, and various greens. Their rustic yet beloved recipes like turmeric-infused meat stir-fry, slow-cooked pork with honeycomb ginger leaves, or fish stew with white plum showcase their culinary mastery and preference for simplicity, drawing the community together over shared meals. Their beverage choice often revolves around teas or mildly alcoholic drinks, especially during festive moments, symbolizing warmth and hospitality in every cup.

3. Some notes for your discovering of Pac Ngoi village

Let's dive into the essentials for your exploration of Pac Ngoi Village:

Cultural Immersion: Pac Ngoi Village is a treasure trove of Tay ethnic culture. Embrace their unique customs, traditions, and lifestyles. Engage with locals, witness their daily routines, and participate in their festivals if you're lucky to catch one during your visit.

Scenic Splendor: The village is nestled amidst breathtaking landscapes. Be ready for postcard-perfect views of lush paddy fields against the backdrop of imposing mountain ranges. The Ba Be Lake and its serene surroundings will captivate your senses and inspire awe.

Cuisine Delights: Don't miss the chance to savor authentic Tay cuisine. Explore their traditional dishes, from grilled fish caught in Ba Be Lake to locally sourced ingredients that flavor their delectable offerings. Each bite tells a story of the region's culinary heritage.

Homestay Experience: Option for a homestay to truly immerse yourself in the Tay community. It's not just about accommodation; it's a chance to live, dine, and share stories with locals, understanding their way of life firsthand.

Nature Walks: Take leisurely strolls through the village's picturesque surroundings. Trek along nature trails, soak in the tranquility, and marvel at the unspoiled beauty that characterizes Ba Be National Park.

Cultural Workshops: Engage in traditional craft workshops. Learn about their intricate embroidery, weaving techniques, or the art of making local instruments. It's an opportunity to appreciate their craftsmanship and artistic skills.

Respect Local Customs: Lastly, always be respectful of the community's traditions and practices. Be open-minded, courteous, and eager to learn about their way of life without intruding or causing discomfort.

Transportation: If you're driving, ensure your vehicle is well-maintained for the journey. The roads leading to the village might vary in conditions, so a sturdy vehicle is recommended. Alternatively, consider hiring a local guide with knowledge of the routes and terrains.

Safety Measures: Prioritize safety at all times. The terrain might be unfamiliar, so follow safety guidelines, especially if you plan on trekking or hiking. Wear appropriate footwear, carry essential supplies like water and snacks, and inform someone about your itinerary if going off the beaten path.

Money Matters: Cash is king in rural areas. While some places might accept cards, it's advisable to carry sufficient local currency for transactions. ATMs might not be readily available, so ensure you have enough cash. Remember to keep your money secure, perhaps in multiple locations or a money belt for added safety.

Health Precautions: Take necessary health precautions. Carry any prescribed medications, a basic first-aid kit, and insect repellent. Stay hydrated and avoid drinking untreated water to prevent any health issues.

Communication: Network coverage might be limited in remote areas. Inform someone trustworthy about your plans and expected return time. Consider purchasing a local SIM card or portable Wi-Fi device for better connectivity if needed.

With these notes in mind, your journey through Pac Ngoi Village promises to be an enriching and unforgettable experience, offering insights into a world steeped in culture, nature, and warmth of the Tay people.

With this we hope to provide you enough information Pac Ngoi village. Hopefully your trip amid the vietnam majestic nature and authentic culture goes splendidly. If there is any more information you wish to know or to make a tour to Pac Ngoi village, don’t hesitate to contact us – Auasia Travel- a Vietnam travel agency.

Pac Ngoi village, Bac Can province

Pac Ngoi village, Bac Can province

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