Cambodia Best Time To Visit: Best Perfect Month And Season To Visit Cambodia

Cambodia | Travel tips

Cambodia Best Time To Visit: Best Perfect Month And Season To Visit Cambodia

Cambodia is inherently an ideal tourist destination for those who love exploring spirituality and experiencing exceptional historical and cultural values. This article will guide you on the Cambodia best time...
15 March, 2024 Sunny Nguyen Duong

I. Cambodia's Climate Overview

The climate of Cambodia offers a tropical experience with distinct wet and dry seasons, prompting travelers to plan their trips based on personal preferences, especially during the Cambodia best time to visit. From May to October, the prolonged rainy season dominates, delivering the majority of Cambodia's annual rainfall. Notably, heavy downpours occur frequently, primarily concentrated in the afternoons and evenings.

Weather averages Phnom Penh (Data 1999-2019)

Weather averages Phnom Penh (Data 1999-2019)

Conversely, the dry season from November to April experiences infrequent rainfall, with generally dry and sunny weather prevailing. The dry season has cooler temperatures, especially in the evenings and early mornings, making it nice for people who like less rain and milder weather.

April and October mark the transitional months between the wet and dry seasons in Cambodia. During these months, visitors may encounter a mix of both rainy and dry days, creating a unique period to experience the changing climate.

Throughout the year, Cambodia maintains high temperatures ranging from 25°C to 35°C (77°F to 95°F). Cooler temperatures are more likely during the dry season, especially in the evenings, offering relief from the daytime heat. Also, Cambodia's weather is often very humid, especially in the rainy season. Knowing about these weather patterns helps travelers choose the best time of year to visit Cambodia based on the kind of weather you like.

Cambodia experiences a tropical climate characterized by distinct wet and dry seasons. Understanding the country's climate, especially during Cambodia best time to visit, is crucial for planning based on individual preferences and interests.

II. Best season to visit Cambodia

The best season to visit Cambodia largely depends on individual preferences and the type of experiences one seeks. Cambodia experiences two primary seasons: the dry season and the wet season.

1. Dry Season (November to April)

Weather: The dry season is characterized by sunny and dry weather, making it the most popular time to visit Cambodia. Considered as the Cambodia best time to visit, this period attracts many travelers seeking favorable weather conditions.

Cambodia best time to visit? - Visit Angkor Wat

Cambodia best time to visit? - Visit Angkor Wat

Temperatures: Days are generally warm with cooler evenings, providing comfortable conditions for outdoor activities.

Landscapes: The countryside tends to be drier, making it an excellent time for exploring historical sites, such as Angkor Wat, without concerns about heavy rainfall, especially during the Cambodia best time to visit.

Khmer New Year

Khmer New Year

Recommended Activities:

Temple Exploration: Ideal for visiting iconic temples and archaeological sites.

Cultural Festivals: Experience traditional festivals like Khmer New Year in April.

Outdoor Adventures: Explore national parks, trekking, and other outdoor activities.

2. Wet Season (May to October)

Weather: The wet season brings frequent and heavy rainfall, transforming Cambodia into a lush and green landscape.

Temperatures: While still warm, the rain contributes to increased humidity during this season.

Landscapes: The countryside becomes vibrant and scenic, with lush vegetation and full rivers.

Wet season - best time to visit the countryside in Cambodia

Wet season - best time to visit the countryside in Cambodia

Recommended Activities:

Mekong River Cruises: Witness the beauty of the Mekong Delta in full bloom.

Rural Exploration: Experience Cambodia's rural life amid the greenery.

Reduced Crowds: Fewer tourists during the wet season provide a more tranquil experience.

Cruising Mekong river

Cruising Mekong river

Considerations: The transitional months of April and October may offer a balance between the two seasons, with moderate weather and fewer crowds, making them potential candidates for the Cambodia best time to visit. While the wet season has its charm, some roads to remote areas may become impassable due to flooding.

Note: The wet season can provide a unique and lush landscape, along with fewer crowds for those seeking a more tranquil experience.

III. Best Month to Visit Cambodia

1. November to February

The dry season, spanning from November to February, offers cool and dry weather, making it the peak tourist season and considered the Cambodia best time to visit. With pleasant temperatures ranging from 20°C to 30°C, this period is ideal for temple exploration, outdoor activities, and cultural festivals. However, popularity during these months means major tourist sites may be busier.

2. March to May

March to May marks the tail end of the dry season with gradually rising temperatures, signaling the best time to visit Cambodia. Daytime temperatures can reach 35°C, making it suitable for early temple visits and outdoor activities. While May can be very hot, it provides good conditions for various explorations.

3. June to October

The wet season, from June to October, brings monsoons and heavy rainfall, particularly in July and August. Despite warm temperatures and increased humidity, this period offers lush landscapes, reduced crowds, and lower prices. However, some areas may experience flooding, and certain roads may be impassable.

4. October to November

The transitional period from October to November sees decreasing rainfall and moderating temperatures as the dry season approaches, making it an excellent time to consider for the Cambodia best time to visit. While landscapes are still lush, and crowds are fewer, some areas may still be recovering from the wet season.

Everyone took photos of the sunset together at Angkor Wat temple

Everyone took photos of the sunset together at Angkor Wat temple


Festivals like Khmer New Year in April and the Water Festival in November are cultural highlights, adding vibrant experiences to your visit, especially during the Cambodia best time to visit.

The dry season tends to be busier, especially around December and January (best month to visit Cambodia), at popular tourist sites.

Personal preferences play a crucial role; those seeking lush landscapes and fewer tourists might find the wet season appealing.

Water Festival in Phnom Penh - best time of year to visit Cambodia

Water Festival in Phnom Penh - best time of year to visit Cambodia

You might be interested:

>> Cambodia visa requirements

>> Phnom Penh water festival (one of best festivals in Cambodia)

>> Best 5-star hotel in Phnom Penh

>> Cambodia travel guide

IV. Tips for Each Season

1. Dry Season (November to April)

Dry Season - Cambodia best time to visit

Dry Season - Cambodia best time to visit

  • Packing:
  • Light and breathable clothing for warm days.
  • A light jacket for cooler evenings.
  • Sunscreen, sunglasses and a hat for sun protection.
  • Accommodations:
  • Book in advance due to higher demand.
  • Consider hotels with pools for a refreshing dip.

2. Wet Season (May to October)

Wet season

Wet season

  • Packing:
  • Waterproof clothing and a poncho for rain.
  • Quick-dry clothes and sturdy, waterproof shoes.
  • Insect repellent to combat increased mosquito activity.
  • Accommodations:
  • Pack a travel umbrella.
  • Choose accommodations with covered outdoor areas.

3. Transitional Months (April and October)

  • Packing:
  • A mix of lightweight and waterproof clothing.
  • Comfortable shoes suitable for wet conditions.
  • A versatile wardrobe due to variable weather.
  • Accommodations:
  • Check weather forecasts for more accurate packing.
  • Opt for accommodations with flexible cancellation policies.

4. General Tips for All Seasons

A. Health Precautions

  • Stay hydrated, especially during the hot and dry season.
  • Use insect repellent to prevent mosquito bites.
  • Ensure you have essential medications and a basic first aid kit on hand.

B. Cultural Sensitivity

  • Be respectful of local customs and wear modest clothing.
  • Learn a few basic Khmer phrases to enhance your cultural experience.

C. Flexible Itinerary

  • Be prepared for weather-related changes to your plans.
  • Explore Cambodian cuisine, trying local dishes and street food.
  • Be cautious with hygiene to avoid food-related issues.

D. Connect with Locals

  • Engage with the local community to enhance your cultural understanding.
  • Seek recommendations from locals for authentic experiences.

By tailoring your preparations and activities to each season, you can make the most of your trip to Cambodia, enjoying its diverse landscapes and cultural richness throughout the year. Auasia Travel, Vietnam travel agency always accompanies you on every journey, providing valuable insights and assistance to ensure you experience the Cambodia best time to visit.

Cambodia Best Time To Visit

Cambodia best time to visit

We suggest you refer to the following circuits:

>> 5 days in Cambodia

>> Siem Reap tour itinerary

>> Cambodia 1-week itinerary

>> Cambodia Packages Tours

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